Swgoh best separatist team for padme Swgoh best separatist. Win against maxed G13 Padme: Strong Traya team 119 K, Very fast (322) DR (G13) starts, hit Padme (G13), Traya (G12) isolates padme, Nihi (G12) kills taunting G Kenobi (G13), next kill JKA (G13), then auto. View and compare the stats of each unit.SWGOH - SOLO HAAT - REVAN TEAM #SWGOH #StarWarsGalaxyOfHeroes #SoloHaat #JediKnightRevan. Feats allow you to customize your Champions in ways that make them better for you, and could unlock new formation possibilities. Today we're covering how to create your own swgoh. Fast forward a few months, and finally her event has returned for a second time. Her unlock event requires a well geared Separatist squad to beat - which I was nowhere close to having ready when her event first launched. Padme' Amidala was only just recently added to the game, as part of the recent focus on Prequel and Clone Wars characters.It has most of the main characters after the canon (and some popular non-pone), and it's a great way to get more familiar with this galaxy far, far away. Star wars galaxy of heroes best padme team Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a collectible RPG mobile game developed by EA Mobile and Capital Games.